Japanese (Kanji) American film, American movie アメリカ映画 アメリカえいが (American) puma アメリカライオン (comp) American National Standards Institute, ANSI 米国規格協会 べいこくきかくきょうかい (comp) American Standard Code for Information Exchange, ASCII Houga (邦画) are Japanese movies and youga (洋画) are western movies The famous Hollywood movie stars are popular in Japan as well Girls love Reonarudo Dikapurio (Leonard Dicaprio) or Braddo Pitto (Brad Pitt), and theyHow to say movie in Japanese movie Japanese Translation 映画 Eiga More Japanese words for movie 映画 noun Eiga film, flick Jaws Kanji Japanese Movie Poster Retro 1975 Officially Licensed Adult T Shirt Ebay Movie theater in japanese kanji